Public mid-time event as pop up party at the central square
There is a bridge for the DJ, a Structure behind to project on and an electricity box near. An ideal place for fast set up and take down of the …
Project on an object, like a house or a cat. Or some old stones.
There is a bridge for the DJ, a Structure behind to project on and an electricity box near. An ideal place for fast set up and take down of the …
We project on a white car. With at least two projectors, so a collaboration, meant as working on dfferent sides of the car, is possible. Can you do it better? The car is a classic model from a famous english manifacturer built in 1974. Sir John Lennon owned one, Osho/Bhagwan too.
The power supply is provided by a generator or by requesting electricity from nearby sources. There are suitable objects around and in the city. Examples below.
Play with food, cook and Map. Create yummy food to be eaten and prepared in a way to be suitable to project on. Create the projection to decorate it nicely or tell whole stories in a performance. And celebrate the ritual (with drinks!).